Veeam has unveiled the Veeam Availability Suite 9.5. To be available later this year, Veeam Availability Suite 9.5will fully integrate with Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V technologies used in the data center. Veeam, in collaboration with Microsoft, will deliver greater security and offer easy integration between Microsoft’s releases of Windows Server 2016, Hyper-V 2016 and enterprise applications.
“It is our goal to be one of the first Availability solutions to fully support Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V 2016 technologies, but also to deliver the most comprehensive support,” said Doug Hazelman, vice president of product strategy at Veeam. “The latest version of Veeam Availability Suite will provide users with the ability to utilize the most current Microsoft technology and benefit from enterprise-grade security and reduced complexities. Veeam, working together with Microsoft, provides the right combination of virtualization, and fast recovery to deliver Availability for the Always-On Enterprise.”
“Thousands of businesses of all sizes rely on Veeam for Hyper-V backup and protection,” said Chris Van Wesep, director, cloud platform marketing, Microsoft Corp. “As such, we are pleased to extend our collaboration with Veeam to provide IT administrators new options for efficient backup operations, high-speed recovery, and the business continuity they need to keep businesses protected and productive anytime, anywhere.”