2022 is year of collaborative digital transformation

Kerry Grimes, Head of Global Partners, AVEVA.
Kerry Grimes, Head of Global Partners, AVEVA.

Working to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis is fast emerging as the biggest KPI ahead of the industrial community for 2022. Approximately 97% of business leaders polled in a recent Deloitte survey say that their companies have already experienced the negative impacts of climate change.

Now we will need to team up with partners and peers to build and execute a comprehensive action plan to tackle these challenges. Bringing global warming levels down to 1.5°C is something no company can achieve on its own.

97% of business polled in a Deloitte survey say their companies already experienced negative impacts of climate change

About 80% of major international companies now report on sustainability, and thousands of enterprises have committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 through initiatives such as the Race to Zero and Business Ambition for 1.5°C.

We see 2022 as year of collaborative digital transformation aimed at achieving our common sustainability goals. Connecting to the connected industrial economy could be the first step. This data-led network links enterprises along a single digital data thread that connects engineering, operations, supply chain, and employees. It uses the power of the cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise performance and unlock value and sustainability gains for every stakeholder.

Sectoral leaders have already embraced industrial automation as a route to increasing productivity. Industry-specific AI empowers these organisations by providing sector-specific decision support and unified intelligence.

Bringing global warming levels down to 1.5°C is something no company can achieve on its own

When leveraged over the cloud, these systems are now operable remotely, anytime and anywhere. Because they collect greater amounts of data about operational systems, leveraging this information supports workers in making faster and more effective decisions making.

Gartner has shown that for companies that operate across different geographies, cloud-based data-sharing improves integration of working teams and drives the decision-making that helps minimise carbon use, increase profit, and ensure agility.

Industrial frontrunners are now looking to go one step further, by sharing data securely but agnostically, across the entire industrial ecosystem. Expanding connected networks to suppliers, partners, and even industrial peers can drive exponential, sustainable growth for all players across the value chain – while also realising sustainability gains.

About 80% of major international companies now report on sustainability

In the wake of the disruption of the past two years, digital technologies underpin the way we operate. As we look to achieve our goals for 2022 and beyond, collaborations will be essential to driving innovative ways of doing business. Digital partnerships are needed to protect the planet for ourselves and for our children. Working together can achieve net-zero more quickly.

We will need to team up with partners to execute a comprehensive action plan to bring down global warming levels which no company can achieve on its own.

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