The Titans magazine had an exclusive rendezvous with the Group CIO of Belhasa in December 2017. Read the excerpts here.
How has Digitization penetrated the retail sector of late?
Retail Sector was among the 1st industries to consider digitization for 2 factors:
- Know your customers or get personal approach
- Increase market share by focusing on sustainable products and services
What has Belhasa’s digital retail strategy been in 2017?
We are not different than the leaders in retail. We wanted to create a one shop for all retail products trying to think as a retailor and as a consumer at the same time.
You introduced to the market a new innovative business model idea for the retail sector called SALEradars. Tell us more about your SALEradars
SALEradars is an app and a website that give all info about any SALE or offer happening in a country, city, mall, shop name, brand during a period of time and give Retailors info and tools never had it before and reward the loyal customers too all this free to customers and consumers and with fraction of fees from retailors side compared to the bulk untraceable SMS marketing.
1) Benefits for Retailors
Imagine if you have a tool that allows you to know who saw your advertisements, who came physically to your shop (because of this PARTICULAR advertisement) & who shopped/ how much they spent? – Who did not buy and why, when and where? Wonder no more, SALEradars gives you all this and MOREOVER rewards your loyal customers too!!
2) Benefits for Retailors’ s customers
- How do you know if your favourite brands are on SALE, how many times you missed them?
- Do you have time to follow or like all social media pages for your 100s favourite shops/brands?
- Do you have time to download every shop/brand mobile app?
- Can you visit to any webpage where you can search for sale or offers by date and city (tourists) /brand/shops (competitors)?
- Are you fed up by the number of loyalty cards you have in your wallet?
- No Internet on the go? don’t worry you will still be notified about SALE/offers from shops/brands you only care about or simply near you!!