Newest release focuseson expanding management for OpenStack workloads and deployments
Red Hat CloudForms 3.1, the next version of its open hybrid cloud management solution, shall be available in September 2014. CloudForms 3.1 extends enterprise-grade cloud management across private, public and hybrid clouds with additional management features, capabilities and enhancements for OpenStack, Amazon Web Services, VMware and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environments, as well as new support for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager private clouds.
CloudForms 3.1 is the first release built from the open source ManageIQ community, introduced in May 2014. New Features and Capabilities of the CloudForms 3.1 include upgraded user experience, enhanced automation and expanded integration alongwith increased security and new interoperability with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Joseph Fitzgerald, general manager, Cloud Management, Red Hat said, “CloudForms enables enterprises to rapidly build and efficiently manage private and hybrid clouds. With CloudForms 3.1 enterprises can better leverage their existing infrastructures together with public clouds, as well as build and manage innovative new private clouds built on OpenStack.”