Trend Micro 2016 Threat Predictions Forecast an Uptick in Online Extortion and Hacktivism
Trend Micro has released its annual security predictions report, “The Fine Line: 2016 Security Predictions.” Next year, continued growth in online extortion, hacktivism and mobile malware is expected, as well as a shift to an offensive cybersecurity posture for government entities and corporations.
Raimund Genes, CTO, Trend Micro said, “Governments and enterprises will begin to see the benefit of cybersecurity foresight, with changes in legislation and the increasing addition of cybersecurity officers within enterprises. In addition, as users become more aware of online threats, attackers will react by developing sophisticated, personalized schemes to target individuals and corporations alike.”
“Hackers consistently evolve to adapt to their surroundings, just as online ads are declining, we see ransomware is increasing,” said Tom Kellermann, Chief Cybersecurity Officer, Trend Micro. “Despite the growth in security investments and legislation, these changes will inevitably bring new, more sophisticated attack vectors.”
Highlights from the 2016 predications report include: Cybercriminals will devise new ways to personalize attacks, making 2016 the year of online extortion; Mobile malware will grow to 20 million, primarily effecting China, while targeting new mobile payment options globally; As more consumer-grade smart devices are used in day-to-day activities, at least one device failure will be lethal in 2016; Less than 50 percent of organizations are expected to have cybersecurity experts on staff by the end of etc.