9 years ago

Gemalto enables authentication on any device via Bluetooth® Smart technology; Extends PKI strong authentication to mobile devices

Gemalto has made available its SafeNet MobilePKI solutions, designed to enable PKI-based strong authentication and security applications on any device, including those without a USB port or internal reader. SafeNet MobilePKI uses Bluetooth Smart technology to enable mobile devices to communicate securely with PKI smartcards.
SafeNet MobilePKI solutions address a gap in PKI security on mobile devices. They give users much more convenience and mobility by allowing them to extend their existing PKI credentials to mobile devices.” said François Lasnier, Senior Vice President for Identity Protection at Gemalto. “

Offering strong two-factor authentication and email encryption, the solution allows secure remote access to VPNs and websites, so that users are able to perform all secure PKI actions on the go, including advanced functions such as digital signature and encryption. SafeNet MobilePKI enables easy and simultaneous connection to multiple endpoints with the same Bluetooth device, with pairing detection taking place automatically within a 10 metre range. Organizations where PKI is already deployed will not need to issue new credentials to turn a traditional smart card deployment into one that is mobile workforce ready.

and adoption of cloud-based applications, it has become clear that organizations need to protect these applications, however they are accessed. PKI can help address mobile use cases, though user complexity can also be a challenge for broad adoption. However, new developments in mobile technology and Bluetooth are helping make PKI more user-friendly and attractive for mobile workforces.”