Today: Mar 20, 2025

Aruba EMEA Seminar Series: Secure Mobility for #GenMobile

Mobility experts will visit 23 cities alongside Palo Alto Networks to offer practical advice on how to build adaptive trust models

Beginning on November 3rd in Brussels, Belgium, Aruba’s EMEA 2014 tour will focus on ‘Secure Mobility for #GenMobile’, with presentations and live demonstrations showing best practices for creating adaptive trust models between workers and employers within the enterprise. This includes using contextual data to create secure network perimeters, automating employee-specific network sign-on and device on boarding and detecting and acting upon jailbreaks.

Supported by next-generation security specialist Palo Alto Networks, the Seminar Series is designed for IT managers, architects and engineers from all industries to explore how networks can be built around the new breed of employee, for whom mobility is now a central requirement in and outside of the workplace.

“The mobility requirements of #GenMobile has brought security into sharp focus for IT managers; workers will transfer seamlessly between work and personal devices, remote and office locations, without informing IT,” said Chris Kozup, EMEA Marketing Director at Aruba Networks. “Rather than create restrictive rules around this, networks should be able to adapt to these individual needs, empowering the user to work how they want while ensuring security policies remain intact. That’s the promise of secure mobility, and we look forward to demonstrating how it has now become a practical reality.”

Aruba will visit Doha, Qatar; Dubai, UAE; and Riyadh, KSA on 17, 18 and 19 November 2014 respectively. Other cities to be covered include Brussels, Frankfurt, Utrecht, Düsseldorf, Barcelona, Zurich, Oslo, Helsinki, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Paris, Milan, Istanbul, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Moscow.

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