9 years ago

Avaya-Powered Hotline, Santa-ready customer engagement technology from Avaya Government Solutions, will answer calls from kids worldwide.

For the 60th consecutive year, boys and girls eager to follow Santa’s December 24 travels can call a trusted resource. Volunteers staffing a NORAD Tracks Santa hotline will be poised to answer their most pressing questions – from Santa’s estimated arrival time to the amount of weight he gains eating cookies throughout the long night.
Volunteers will use an Avaya Customer Engagement Solution to respond to the children of all ages who are expected to flood the hotline with calls. It’s the same technology Avaya Government Solutions uses to support the important mission of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Operations Center at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo. As a result, it has been extensively tested by the Department of Defense Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and is certified to be Santa-ready.

ava“For several years, Avaya Government Solutions has been helping the North American Aerospace Defense Command keep the ‘NORAD Tracks Santa’ tradition alive for Santa fans around the globe. The program was born out of the spirit of the season, and that same spirit sustains it today.” Susan Pompliano Keys, VP, Avaya Government Solutions.