British University in Dubai Upgrades to ESET’s Security Solution

IT Team touts comprehensive protection, low resource utilization, simplified centralized management and granular access control as main benefits

In response to the growing number of cyber threats against educational institutions in the region, The British University in Dubai (BUiD has significantly strengthened its IT security posture with a campus-wide deployment of ESET Endpoint Security. “With over 100 staff and 600 students trusting our systems with their sensitive records and information, it is essential that we provide the highest degree of security. While our previous solution was fairly robust, it required a lot of manual intervention for management,” said Mr. Joma Cabales, IT Officer at BUiD. “We needed to reduce the strain on our IT resources while increasing our level of protection. The requirement therefore was for a solution which would automate administration tasks, enforce customized security policies and deliver centralized management.”

Highlighting the two biggest benefits of ESET Endpoint Security, Mr. Cabales said, “It is very, very light on resources and enables highly simplified management through its intuitive centralised dashboard. It ensures that all systems are up-to-date with the latest software patches and automatically triggers alerts when perceived or known threats are detected.” Perhaps the best testament to the solution’s simplicity and effectiveness is that in the 6 months since its deployment, Mr. Cabales has not registered a single support call with ESET- something that was a fairly regular exercise with the institution’s previous security solution.

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