Today: Mar 28, 2025

BT Report Warns Against Mobile Security Breaches

Mobile devices represent a significant security risk for business, yet many are failing to make adequate provisions to protect their valuable data against threats.

Mobile security breaches have affected 43 per cent of Middle Eastern organisations in the last twelve months, according to a new study from BT. Despite this, organisations are still not taking sufficient security measures to protect themselves against mobile threats, such as lost or stolen devices and malware infections.

The research explores the attitudes of IT decision makers towards security within their organisations.
Surprisingly, 42 per cent do not have password protection, and over half (53 per cent) report that their organisation does nothave IT security training for all. 23 per cent of Middle Eastern organisations do not have any kind of enforceable mobile security policy.

Mark Hughes, president of BT Security, said: “Today’s threat landscape shifts very quickly so it is important for organisations to start with security in mind, rather than add it as an afterthought. This will ensure that security processes develop with them, and not after them. This makes the task of being security-led much more straightforward.”

Mark Hughes, continued, “If CEOs are passionate about making security practices work, then they will inevitably become an intrinsic part of people’s lives. Problems usually arise when people don’t understand the risks and the impact that neglecting security could cause for the business, as well as for them personally. A security breach could cause a share price drop and reputational brand damage. This means that security is everyone’s job.

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