Cybercrime in healthcare analyzed by McAfee Labs Report

Intel Security has released its McAfee Labs Health Warning report, which assesses the marketplace for stolen medical records; compares it with the marketplace for stolen financial services data; identifies health care focused cybercrime-as-a-service trends; and profiles cybercrime targeting intellectual property in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The Intel Security research asserts that the development of the market for stolen data and related hacking skills indicate that the “business of cybercrime” in the health care sector is growing.

“In an industry in which the personal is paramount, the loss of trust could be catastrophic to its progress and prospects for success,” said Raj Samani, Intel Security’s CTO for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. “Given the growing threat to the industry, breach costs ought to be evaluated in the Second Economy terms of time, money, and trust—where lost trust can inflict as much damage upon individuals and organizations as lost funds.”

Intel Security’s research found the average health record price point to be greater than that of basic personally identifiable information, but still less than that of personal financial account data.

Intel Security’s research also investigated the targeting of biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms for their intellectual property and business confidential information.

Intel Security also identified cybercriminals leveraging the cybercrime-as-a-service market to execute their attacks on health care organizations.

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