9 years ago

New mobile platform to accelerate organizational performance

Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA) has launched a new mobile platform called ‘SMART Mir’ah (‘Mirror’)’ to enable its leadership to access the Freezone’s Key Performance Indicator Results, Strategic Initiatives, Operational Performance, Processes, Policies, Survey and Benchmarking Reports on the go via their mobile devices. The platform will also significantly enhance DAFZA’s strategy execution and performance management capabilities, ushering in a new era of greater transparency and continuous feedback for the Freezone.

It offers advanced and interactive features to monitor and evaluate organizational performance and take proactive actions ensuring continuous business improvement. The new user-friendly platform uses technology to monitor DAFZA’s operational processes and link them with performance indicators. It offers an integrated method for assisting in the execution of strategic plans in accordance with the DAFZA’s Balanced Scorecard. Furthermore, SMART Mir’ah complements the Organizational Excellence Model by having all approaches clearly defined in Policies and Initiatives that are then deployed through Processes and effectively assessed and reviewed through an effective Performance Management System (RADAR Model).

This step will support DAFZA’s vision of strengthening its position as a main contributor to economic development and a gateway for leading companies seeking business opportunities in the promising regional markets.