Dawn of the MS Era

Regional Telecom Operators Look to Managed Services to Accelerate ICT Transformation

In its latest initiative, Huawei has geared up to help the regional telecom operators to become more agile, flexible, and adaptable through leveraging a new era of Managed Services to transform their IT operations.
Discussions will take place amidst world’s top service providers, technology vendors and consultancy firms during this week’s Managed Services Growth Markets Congress 2015, organized by Informa Telecoms & Media and with Huawei as the Lead Sponsor.

Speaking at the Congress, Dr. Leroy Blimegger – Senior VP of Huawei Global Services and Head of Assurance and Managed Services, noted that the expectations of ICT are changing from just keeping business running to supporting overall business growth and promoting innovation within the digital area. As a result, more and more service providers are teaming up with outsourcing partners who understand the telecom business and have complete capabilities to fully support ICT transformation.

“A clear IT transformation strategy will give operators the ability to meet these ambitions and in turn drive their own businesses forward,” says Mr. Zhou Qingwei, VP of Regional Delivery & Service at Huawei Middle East.

Several of Huawei’s top global and regional experts in the field of Managed Services will present at the Congress while also hosting several exhibitions and partner workshops in areas such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization.

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