Dubai Civil Defence Transforms Communications with Avaya

The Directorate General of Civil Defence, Dubai, has signed an agreement with Avaya to transform its communications capabilities and increase user satisfaction with the department’s Smart Communication solutions for customer service. The solution will be developed to its full potential with Avaya Equinox to ensure that happiness of end-users is delivered, of citizens and residents that contact the department, and of employees and teams that need to collaborate to deliver on tasks and projects.

Major General and expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of the Dubai Civil Defence.

The technology solution that Avaya is delivering for Dubai Civil Defence consists of numerous communication modes, such as voice calls and message services, instant text messaging among staff, and video calling facilities that can be used at desks, and even on laptops and on mobile phones. The holistic communication solution for a department that has a high number of mobile staff can deliver the same collaborative experience from within as well as outside the physical network.

“By developing a holistic communications solution with Avaya and Connect IT, we look forward to achieving our ‘Smart Vision’ goals, and proudly being a key component of a world-renowned Smart City – Dubai,” said Major General and expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of the Dubai Civil Defence.

Nidal Abou-Ltaif, President, Avaya International said, “We have been vocal supporters of the UAE’s Smart Vision, and working with organisations such as the Directorate General of Civil Defence in Dubai has been great learning for Avaya as well. The Civil Defence department is approaching this from the perspective of user happiness, which is a parameter that everyone can rally behind and once again drive the UAE to the top of the global ranking.”