Ease in Analyzing IoT

Teradata has created a Global IoT Analytics unit within Teradata Labs, based in the United States, UK and India which is focused on developing innovations to derive the greatest value from the Analytics of Things (AoT). The special-ops team of data scientists, data engineers and software designers are tasked with building new, cloud-based analytic solutions and services to simplify advanced analytics, data movement and database management for the Internet of Things.

Oliver Ratzesberger, President, Teradata Labs said, “With this announcement, we are making it easier for our customers to move sensor data around, optimize data management systems to deal with the massive volumes of data, and run real-time, advanced analytics against streams of IoT data. We’re giving our customers powerful tools and technologies to analyze IoT data for new insights, applications and use cases.”

Teradata Aster Analytics answers the powerful “why did this happen” question using IoT data. The pre-built analytic functions include new IoT data preparation capabilities and machine learning techniques to quickly understand and detect patterns in machine behavior. This can be used to mitigate risk, reduce maintenance cost and downtime and increase productivity. Aster Analytics makes it easier and faster to find meaningful and relevant insights hidden in massive volumes of IoT data with millisecond performance.

The Teradata Aster Scoring SDK (software developer’s kit) allows analysts to easily deploy Aster IoT analytic models into virtually any IoT edge servers, public clouds, and in the data center.

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