Equation Group: Creator of Cyber-Espionage

Kaspersky Lab discovers the ancestor of Stuxnet and Flame

Recently Kaspersky Lab’s experts have confirmed they have discovered a threat actor that surpasses anything known in terms of complexity and sophistication of techniques and that has been active for almost two decades – The Equation Group.

According to Kaspersky Lab researchers the group is unique almost in every aspect of their activities: they use tools that are very complicated and expensive to develop, in order to infect victims, retrieve data and hide activity in an outstandingly professional way, and utilize classic spying techniques to deliver malicious payloads to the victims.

To infect their victims, the group uses a powerful arsenal of “implants” (Trojans) including the following that have been named byKaspersky Lab: EquationLaser, EquationDrug, DoubleFantasy, TripleFantasy, Fanny and GrayFish. Without a doubt there will be other “implants” in existence.

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