ESET joins Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Juraj Malcho, CTO at ESET
Juraj Malcho, ESET’s Chief Technology Officer
6 years ago

ESET partnered with more than thirty other technology companies and joined the Cybersecurity Tech Accord.

With a shared set of principles, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord hopes to leverage the combined commitment in order to negate the effects on cyberspace brought about by malicious actors. Cybersecurity Tech Accord members commit to upholding the accord’s core principles to ensure that protecting people, and consideration of ways to improve the security, resilience and stability of cyberspace, remain a top priority.

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is the largest group of companies to have ever become collectively involved and to have made a commitment to individually and jointly protect people and companies in this way. The combined resources of the members will make it a formidable force against cybercrime.

“We are delighted to become a member of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord. It furthers the 30 years of commitment and unblemished track record that ESET has already established in protecting people, data and devices,” says Juraj Malcho, CTO at ESET, “with nation states and organizations developing cyberattacks that sometimes fall into the wrong hands, as we saw with the exploit used to deliver WannaCryptor last year, it’s important we take collective action to stop malicious actors”.