Going Digital

Rabih Merhy, Cluster Director of IT, Amwaj Rotana
Rabih Merhy, Cluster Director of IT, Amwaj Rotana

Tell us about the year 2017.  What changes/evolution did it bring to your thinking or mindset as a CIO/IT head?

2017 was the year of improvements. We made sure that we are up-to-date with all current technologies used and ensured the use of new innovative ideas to enhance current users experience. Being in the hotel industry, it is important to take into consideration all aspects and analyze them in order to enhance our guest’s experiences and exceed their expectations. 2017 also showed us how technology plays a role in the booking decision making process.

Were you able to stick to your New year resolutions? Did you achieve/over achieve/ under achieve?

In 2017, we over achieved our targets by completing all our planned projects and we also made sure to add some more. At the start of the year, we introduced upgraded complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the hotel and installed SMART TVs in all our rooms. Furthermore, our new network infrastructure is now eco-friendly and consume less power.

In brief, which technology of 2017 attracted you the most? Have you planned to implement the same in your organization?

I am amazed with the automation in general and the In-Room technologies for hotels, where it offers guests new experiences during their stay and satisfies their needs. As a hotel, we are aiming towards that direction and started working on the first phase. Business intelligence and robotics had a lot of improvements in different sectors; however, it is beneficial and still at the initial stages for our industry where customers are still not familiar with it.

In contrast, which technology of 2017 did you find futile/ non-relevant for the present and why?

Most of the 2017 technologies were developed based on a requirement or need, however, they still lacked in some areas. I believe we did not have a complete software that can answer those requirements. As an example, Internet Protocol television (IPTV) providers are innovative when it comes to using the same functionality in an easier way through an iPad or mobile App. We need to think bigger and wider bringing a technology that offers significant changes in the industry. We need to step out of the basic, traditional functions of using a TV for entertainment, bills or On-Demand video.

How active are you as a CIO/IT head on social media platforms? Do you find them a good platform to share knowledge or has it become too monotonous?

I always try to stay up-to-date with the latest platforms and find myself using LinkedIn and Twitter from time to time. I catch up on the latest news and topics dealing with major technologies and inventions and keep myself up-to date with any major breakouts in the industry. Often, I find information first through social networks than any other form of media.

What is your 2018 resolution? (if at all you are a ‘Resolution-making’ person) What goals do you have for your organization?

I always try to have at least one or two set goals each year. In 2018, we need to continue working on refreshing and upgrading our infrastructure that has a direct impact on guest experiences. Almost everything is digital now and one of my main goals for 2018 is turning all our stands digital and displaying all our news and promotions on all screens found in the hotel.