Information is the ‘Nexus’ to Digital Business

Gartner says through 2017, 50% of organizations will not have an information strategy that addresses the emerging role of information citizen

According to Gartner, half of organizations will not have an information strategy that addresses the emerging role of information citizen through 2017.

Gartner said that information is a key component of the Nexus of Forces and information strategies and the use of information are increasingly driven by – and driving – digital business.

Joao Tapadinhas, research director at Gartner says, “The majority of today’s information strategies are not addressing the needs of “information citizens,” a growing class of casual information consumers seeking ease of access and use of information as a top priority.”

Organizations are looking to big data to provide an enhanced experience for their customers. In 2014, investments in big data continued to rise, with 73 percent of organizations investing or planning to invest over the next two years.

The related integration technologies and business models for information consumer applications are still being defined, but Gartner believes that a market and set of market categories will emerge over the next two to three years. Leading-edge companies will see the business need to include information citizens in their information strategies and will ultimately provide them with new applications.

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