Intel Security’s latest findings show consumers are being tempted by the efficiency and entertainment of such connected devices, revealing the average person now spends 38% of their time at home online.
As more connected devices are brought into the home, a new partnership between Humax, Intel and Intel Security will ensure robust connectivity and security is embedded into Humax’s Quantum T9 router. McAfee Secure Home Platform will provide a built-in layer of security that automatically protects internet-connected devices on a user’s home network from a variety of threats. This offers people a flexible way to manage and secure their connected devices in the home, apply parental controls, and receive alerts about potential threats in real-time.
“Our recent research showed that more than three quarters of parents (80%) are concerned about their children interacting with a social predator or cybercriminal online,” comments Raj Samani, EMEA CTO of Intel Security. “Yet 34% of parents do not keep track of their children’s internet usage, and 35% say that they would monitor their children’s online activity if there was an easier way of doing it.”
“Partnering with Humax will further help us to empower parents to actively manage how their families interact with connected devices in the home and protect them from potential risks,” said Raj Samani.