When is it ever a good time to upgrade your access control solution? Many organisations follow the policy of ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’ but this can be a risky situation in a world where technology and threats are changing so rapidly. The use of older, legacy access control systems exposes an organisation, a building, a server room, a computer to the possibility of unauthorised access and the consequences of this. But why should users upgrade?
Data Privacy
One of the biggest drivers for updating legacy access control systems is the need for enhanced levels of data privacy. Since their are several barriers to the adoption of more sophisticated access control systems, organisations are safeguarding their physical assets since this provides protection to their IT infrastructure. Yesterday’s technology is no longer sufficient for today’s access control and identity management challenges.
In The Access Control Report 2016: Legacy Infrastructure and Motivations for Upgrading, 44% of respondents stated they were planning on upgrading their access control solution. This is a strong indicator that end-users are acknowledging that the risk to organisations is evolving, and the need to protect their physical assets and consequently data assets is important. It would take a security breach that exposed a flaw in the current system for 92% of respondents to consider changing their current access control system, but not beforehand.
User Convenience
The continual development in consumer technology has integrated into the business world with devices being used for work and in our personal lives. Organisations can utilise this growing level of secure technologies that employees are carrying around with them on a daily basis. Mobile access control is increasingly coming into the market and the benefits this brings are numerous.
Understanding the requirements from building occupants is an important step before undertaking an access control update. The report noted that 48% of respondents would like an easy-to-use access control system, with 32% requesting multiple levels of access depending on authority required. This added security element is an important function, and one that can be easily designated with more modern technologies. Having mobile credentials that allows for multiple access levels saves users from having multiple access control devices that could lead to confusion or misplacement. Utilising smartphones are a very straightforward solution that solves three of the top concerns of employees looking for updated access control.
Existing access control solutions are cost-efficient and can upgrade easily without distruption.
A new access control solution must be flexible so users don’t just see it as an ‘expensive way of opening doors’. Open Supervised Device Protocol (0SDP) for secure communication between field devices in a physical access control system has gained increased importance allowing for standardization, more flexibility and freedom of choice for security managers.
Flexibility also supports multiple applications for managing not only physical access but also logical access applications, like computers and software logins. Additional access control systems, such as secure print management, require an associated card issued to users. This represents a prime opportunity for organisations to consolidate to a single access control device, such as a contactless wearable or smartphone that combines access control with other functions.
By exploiting modern technology, such as mobile devices and wearables, users are afforded the opportunity to simplify their access control devices: one device, with one credential providing access to multiple areas and requirements. With mobile access solutions, multiple credentials are rolled into one and stored on one device. Technology such as the latest high frequency access control systems ensure security is independent of hardware and media. This makes it easier for organisation to support functionality and higher levels of data privacy.
By Jaroslav Barton – Product Marketing Director, Physical Access Control Solutions, EMEA with HID Global