ManageEngine Expands into Self-Service IT Analytics Market

ManageEngine entered into the self-service IT analytics market with the launch of Analytics Plus. Designed for mid- to large-size organizations that want to draw insights from their IT data, Analytics Plus integrates easily with various data sources and tools, analyzes vast data volumes and presents findings with rich visualizations.

Too many organizations use too many IT tools to run their businesses. Those tools may also support IT users, infrastructure and business applications. However, they do not support fast, accurate decisions — for IT or for business. The problem is all the data (and all the data formats) created by the tools is stored in silos that thwart actionable insights and visibility into organizational performance. Solutions exist to analyze all that data, but they typically are too complicated, require too much customization by experts, or are too time-consuming and expensive.

Sridhar Iyengar, Vice President, ManageEngine said, “We’re uniquely positioned to drive the widespread adoption of this powerful technology. We know IT management and how to make it both powerful and simple. We know IT admins, managers, CIOs and CEOs and what they expect in analytics-driven insights.”

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