Anil Bhandari, Chief Mentor, Arcon Tech Solutions whose role is to understand the entire ecosystem of IT security across the world and mentor the technology integration to influence creating product road map for the future, speaks about how important is guarding the core of the network and how this area is under invested globally.
“We create a single window of access to all of the technologies.”
Anil Bhandari, Chief Mentor, Arcon Tech Solutions
What are the security challenges for the market now as there as plenty of solutions available?
There are certainly several IT security products available in the market and different products have different roles to play. But most of the time the organizations spend huge money to protect the periphery… therefore they invest in Firewalls, IDS, IPS, etc. These are nothing but like guarding the community gates. You spend so much of money trying to put good security there at the gate but unfortunately world across there is not much of investment in protecting the heart of an organization where the data resides. This is the major cause of worry.
What is Relevance of Arcon Tech Solutions in this situation?
At Arcon Tech Solutions, we have unique solutions framework, which integrates with any device or equipment you have within your organization – right from your desktop to your laptops to server, to data base and to a Firewall. All of these devices are integrated and protected from internal and external attacks. We create a single window of access to all of these technologies.
For example, any bank must have 200-300 servers or database and every server must have 2-3 privileged IDs. It means the bank would have at least 1000-2000 privileged IDs.
One of the power plants had 20, 000 equipment in the data centre and if one equipment had three user IDs, there would be 60, 000 user IDs and passwords, which is much more than the number of their employees strength that is around 50, 000. So they had to protect 60 thousand user IDs and passwords to protect the entire data centre. The worry resides in the database and tables. So access and governance sits in the heat of the data centre. It is like guard the guards. This is again very under invested area and we play very significant role trying to cover all of these areas. We found good favour in these markets as there is an increased awareness about this and therefore doing very well for the last two years.
Briefly tell about your solution?
We have different solutions for different challenges but reference to the privilege identity management the solution is called Arcos which sits on top of the entire data centre and integrates and absorbs all the technologies and creates an arch around them and creates a single window access for the people within the organization. The arch acts as a deterrent for the external world to easily come in and look at the privileged IDs and Passwords. The system absorbs all the passwords… so no one knows about this. Depending on the roles and responsibility, one can access the system based on the approvals. But at the same time one’s work is continuously monitored live on a separate dashboard. So any anomaly happens during the work, it gets flagged on as a message in the live dashboard.
The product is available in the appliance format so also in VM format. It is priced as per the number of devices that needs to be integrated and number of people want to access these devices. We also have special pricing for the large customers. This solutions is also available in cloud for the people to subscribe it as a service. For example in in India it is hosted by TCS in a private cloud. In the Middle East too we have cloud partner.
What is your focussed market?
We are focusing on BFSI and Telco. Even the smaller players are also taking interest in us.
What is your go to market strategy?
We are engaging partners and distributors to reach out to the larger customers’ base from awareness, implementation, training and service perspective. In the Middle East region Comguard is our distributor.