NEC Enterprise to Focus on Improving Partner Network

Domenico De-Stefanis, Managing Director, (Middle East), NEC Enterprise Solutions

This year, if the geo political condition does not get worse the company would like to grow around 30%

There are many aspects to the high growth Middle East region but one strong aspect is positive mind-set towards ICT implementation. This region has always appreciated the quality solutions and therefore the vendors have never disappointed this region. Therefore this region is able to create a rock solid infrastructure. NEC Enterprise Solutions is one such vendors which has strong commitment to this region.

Domenico De-Stefanis, Managing Director (Middle East), NEC Enterprise Solutions, says, “We have focusing both the SMB and enterprise market. For SMB market we are offering a package, which comprises cost sharing for events marketing support for PR and advertisement along with pre-sales or sales support.

Similarly for the enterprise segment, NEC Enterprise Solutions is focusing heavily on the hospitality sector. He added, “We have the complete communications solution for this segment. NEC has been empaneled in most of the international hospitality organizations as the preferred vendor.”

And good thing is that the company is 100 per cent B2B. It relies on the partner network not only for delivery, fulfilment but also for sales and support. Therefore NEC Enterprise’ principal focus lies in improving its partner network. The company not only engages the traditional IT partners and SIs but also the service providers like Etisalat. However, the company is pretty clear in its policy that it would not over distribute and therefore will be able to pass on good margin to the partners and be able control the market from margin under cutting what so ever.

From the products’ perspective, the company is pushing unified communications, security and high-availability solutions but as per Domenico, UC and VDI solutions are the ones where the company would like to give more thrust.
Finally, headquartered in Dubai, NEC Enterprise Solutions overlooks the entire Middle East region, Egypt, and Libya. Its growth has been quite impressive – particularly last year it was 20%. Domenico concludes, “Last year’s result was beyond my imagination and this year, if the geo political condition does not get worse, we will increase the tally by another 10%.”

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