NetApp Aims For Seamless Cloud Data Management

To provide a storage and data management foundation to enable organizations to move confidently to hybrid cloud architectures

NetApp extended its strategy and commitment to provide seamless cloud management across any blend of private and public cloud resources. NetApp’s strategy is to use Data ONTAP, as a universal data platform across cloud environments. Data ONTAP will enable dynamic data portability across all clouds and will support extensive customer choice for application, technology, and cloud partner options. Already more than 175 cloud service providers deliver cloud services built on Data ONTAP. IDC has named NetApp Data ONTAP as the world’s number-one branded storage operating system.

Jay Kidd, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, NetApp said, “Regardless of the ultimate computing destination, the CIO will maintain ownership of the organization’s data. The introduction of new multicloud architectures makes data governance more complex because data is distributed, and not under direct control. Our vision is to create an enterprise data management solution, with the clustered Data ONTAP operating system at its core, which will span the customers’ data storage landscape, irrespective of data type or location.”

NetApp’s vision centers on three strategic pillars. The formation of a universal data platform with NetApp Data ONTAP that removes the control challenges of managing discrete cloud resources. The introduction of new technology for dynamic data portability across cloud resources, whether on or off premises. NetApp will leverage its universal data container to make it easier to move data and workloads across instances of Data ONTAP in a multicloud environment, boosting IT efficiency and enabling new, and innovative hybrid cloud architectures. NetApp will continue to deliver solutions that support extensive customer choice enabling companies to adopt the right solutions for their business.

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