9 years ago

ALE has introduced a new cloud managed network infrastructure service designed and delivered by its business partners. The new Alcatel-Lucent Network on Demand service enables businesses to enjoy the latest networking technology on a pay-per-use basis. This new consumption model offers companies an alternative to capital expenditure, enabling them to focus their investment in key business priorities and to link infrastructure operational spending with changes in their business requirements.

Businesses are challenged to afford the frequent changes in networking technology and are seeking a better way to match technology expenses with business needs. They also find it difficult to acquire the skills to support and operate new technologies. To relieve these challenges, IDC stated that by 2020, 80% of IT infrastructure will be on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Stephane Robineau, EVP and General Manager, Networking Business division, ALE said, “Looking at the increased acceptance of IT on demand via cloud application services, we wanted to be the first to offer our customers the benefits of a new set of network services. Designed with our partners, Network on Demand changes the game by making it possible to offer Opex consumption based, unified, on demand LAN and WiFi managed services.”

Baher Ezzat, Regional Director Middle East, ALE said, “This value-add will allow us to offer customers with specialized reporting, performance analysis and security assessments. We introduced Network on Demand to our partners during our recent regional partner event and initial feedback has been extremely positive.”