New Technologies on Radar

Joe Bastian, Head of IT, Galfar
Joe Bastian, Head of IT, Galfar

Tell us about the year 2018.  What changes/evolution did it bring to your thinking or mindset as a CIO/IT head?

2018 saw mindset change in top management to embrace cloud and moving from capex to opex model. The main reason for this being the tightening of budgets on capex.

Were you able to stick to your New year resolutions? Did you achieve/over achieve/ under achieve?

100% achieved. It was my dream to migrate our entire application landscape including SAP to the cloud. Infact I over achieved.

In brief, which technology of 2018 attracted you the most? Have you planned to implement the same in your organization?

No new technology attracted me much, however  IoT and AI are in my radar and chatbots and some new ideas are taking shape. Blockchain is very close to my exploration for 2019.

In contrast, which technology of 2018 did you find futile/ non-relevant for the present and why?

Privacy is something not yet well taken in our part of the world, compared to Europe.

How active are you as a CIO/IT head on social media platforms? Do you find them a good platform to share knowledge or has it become too monotonous?

Very active and very useful.

What is your 2019 resolution? (if at all you are a ‘Resolution-making’ person) What goals do you have for your organization?

Set up a profit center for Information Technology products and services is my target for 2019.