PCCI Group Appoints New HR Head

PCCI Group appointed David Olivier as its Chief Human Resources Officer. David comes into this role with diverse experience encompassing over 25 years. As a career diplomat, David has held foreign assignments in Cairo, establishing an Embassy from a zero base – the quintessential start up experience, followed by Washington D.C., the most coveted position amongst diplomats worldwide, where he was responsible for liaising with Congress to promote bilateral relations.

“In David, PCCI Group gains a proven HR expert who has impressively demonstrated that he has the personal and expert requirements to actively and systematically develop global HR management at PCCI.” said Nidal Kamouni, CEO, PCCI Group.

“One of my primary objectives will be to develop a team through effective people management solutions, initiatives and practices, aligning business and HR functional strategies to enable delivery on the business growth agenda, and fostering constructive relationships within the PCCI Group,” said David Olivier, Chief Human Resources Officer, PCCI Group.

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