Protection against Advanced Threat- Fortinet tells you how

Combines NGFW and Sandboxing ; Prevention as well as the cure to be discussed by experts

Fortinet brings together two complementary technologies: Next Generation Firewall and Sandboxing into a comprehensive and cost effective solution. Kalle Bjorn, Director Systems Engineering Middle East and Ahmad Arafat, Senior Systems Engineering at Fortinet will explain how, to combat advanced threat in the GISEC session – “Advanced Threat Protection: a strategic approach against an increasingly sophisticated threats” – on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 11.30 pm and Tuesday, April 28 at 3.00 pm.

Fortinet will be present at the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference (GISEC), taking place from April 26 to 28, 2015 at the DWTC. Apart from advanced threat protection, they will highlight on the need and effectiveness of a comprehensive, multi-technology three point strategy to eliminate the threat – Prevention, Detection, and Mitigation.

Panel discussion titled ‘Before the breach – actions to protect data from attacks’ on April 27th at 2:30 pm will see Nader Baghdadi, Regional Enterprise Director, South Gulf & Pakistan at Fortinet take part in a discussion to explain how protect the corporate network and also the data against any future attacks.

“In 2015, we expect to see cybercriminals, fueled by the success of high profile hacks, continue to innovate with an even greater focus on deceiving and evading existing security solutions,” says Alain Penel, Regional Vice President – Middle East, Fortinet. “Thanks to Fortinet’s ATP framework, the combination of our Prevent, Detect and Mitigate approach to advanced threats enables organizations to stop known threats before they infect the infrastructure, discover new threats and then learns to continually evolve and deliver enhanced threat prevention.”

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