Quantum Wins Diamond Award

Awarded By Distree for Stellar Growth in the Tablets Category

Quantum has bagged the DISTREE Diamond Award Middle East 2015 for Tablets at the premier retail trade fair held in Abu Dhabi recently.

Quantum said with the volume of competition that businesses face in the ICT sector, it’s more important now than ever to offer quality products with impeccable after-sales service.

Tamer Ismail, Vice President, Quantum Global Group, said: “It is certainly an honour to receive that level of support from the DISTREE panel. The announcement stated that we won because of significant growth on tablet business and the tremendous impact our tablet offerings have had on the market.” He added that “We have managed to have a positive impact in the consumer electronics market despite the fact that we entered the segment when it was already overcrowded by cheap “white label” brands. We are working very hard to design our strategy and still transforming it as per consumers’ needs and demand,” he said.

Ismail pointed out that DISTREE has become an important event in the Middle East consumer electronics channel and the company is delighted to have maintained a solid relationship with the organisers.

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