Today: Mar 23, 2025

Region’s Businesses Ready for Mobility

Networking especially is a business enabler and should deliver effortless innovation opportunities

Middle East businesses lead the EMEA in mobility trends, according to a study by Plus Four Market Research and commissioned by Avaya. The study revealed that across the EMEA region, Middle East businesses top the list in the readiness of their networks to support mobility trends such as bring your own device (BYOD). Findings of the study also showed a positive correlation between the flexibility of IT networks and employees’ productivity and retention, sales productivity and mobile security across EMEA.

Maan Al Shakarchi, a regional expert in network infrastructure, and Avaya’sleader for Networking in Global Growth Markets explains: “Business decision makers as well as workers see technology today as an essential component for their day-to-day operations and an enabler for growth. Networking especially is a business enabler and should deliver effortless innovation opportunities to support the fast changing needs of the business.”

New technology, including the fabric networks of the coming generation of infrastructure, is already in place in businesses across the Middle East. These are an evolutionary leap forward, required for seamless integration into cloud-based infrastructure and the rapid deployment of improvements and new services. Forward-looking businesses are almost making the physical layout of their network irrelevant, as any logical infrastructure can be deployed on top of a fabric-defined architecture. This technology is doing to the network what virtualization did to the server landscape.

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