Seamless Network Integration with Elitecore

9 years ago

Elitecore Wi-Fi SMP enables a leading NEP for multiple Carrier Wi-Fi rollouts in Africa

Elitecore Wi-Fi SMP has been selected by a global Network Equipment Provider (NEP) for its SP Wi-Fi projects which are operational across 10 countries in Africa. Seamlessly integrating with their existing 3G mobile infrastructure, Elitecore SMP enables the operators to extend their data services through a network of Wi-Fi hotspots.

The Wi-Fi roll out has enabled the operators launch bundled 3G and Wi-Fi plans allowing all 3G subscribers to use higher throughput via Wi-Fi by using the existing 3G balance on smart handheld devices. The subscribers not carrying smart-phones may also access Wi-Fi via OTP based authentication. The platform allows walk-in users through voucher based Wi-Fi access at hotspots like cafes, airports, lounges, universities. The vouchers can be purchased online using payment gateways on the move using their own currency via online banking options and/or mobile money.

Akshat Joshi, VP, Wi-Fi Product Management, Elitecore Technologies said, “Elitecore’s pre-integrated and modular platform seamlessly integrates with the operator’s existing IT and network infrastructure resulting into quick time to market, faster roll out of services and hence better Capex savings”.

The future ready platform enables operators to enhance revenues through its innovative offerings including Wi-Fi Monetization Solution comprising of Monetization Server, Enhanced Mobile App for android and iOS, ANDSF Server and Advertisement Server thus delivering differential business cases for Public Wi-Fi roll–outs, Mobile Data offload, Smart City initiatives, Wi–Fi Calling, Roaming Services, LTE – Wi–Fi Interworking, Location based services, Analytics and much more.