Taking Big Strides Towards Success

Anto Pius, Manager-IT, Aster DM Healthcare - Qatar
Anto Pius, Manager-IT, Aster DM Healthcare - Qatar

Tell us about the year 2018. What changes/evolution did it bring to your thinking or mindset as a CIO/IT head?

New Year 2018 made me more aggressive and calculative forcing me to make strategies based on unique requirements in the middle east with regards to health care IT.  IT Heads have a tremendous opportunity to reinvent their role each year and transform it from enabler to innovator and we can lead or help transform their firms to exploit technology innovation and become more digitally product-centric. And the potential role is to be the digital transformation person who’s going to understand what’s going on with business and then apply technology to get something out of it

Were you able to stick to your New year resolutions? Did you achieve/over achieve/ under achieve?

  • Yes I could take big strides towards the resolutions I made for the year in terms initiatives taken to make my organization paperless by having patient records maintained digitally.  Our efforts have allowed us to reduce 80 % of paper we use for clinical records.
  • Medical imaging is an integral part of the diagnostic process. Enhanced medical equipment are smarter for digital transformation to radiologists need and its use medical imaging to properly diagnose and treat diseases, one of the clinical decision making support system which is achieved.

In brief, which technology of 2018 attracted you the most? Have you planned to implement the same in your organization?

  • Cloud Computing : Being a Healthcare industry we always maintain the data in our own data center with private cloud with secure access based on hierarchy, But with cloud computing, you eliminate managing hardware and software — that becomes the responsibility of an experienced vendor who have qualified technical team. Other than electronic medical record we use the public cloud for appointments, online feedback which makes our clients to engage with products by tracking their interactions with digital devices
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is key to realizing the transformation toward value-based healthcare. AI can help to make medical equipment smarter, imaging and lab results faster, and examinations more precise.
  • 5G, with rapid growth in wireless demand inevitable over the next five years, planning for the future of wireless starts now 5G is expected to become mainstream in designed to support ultra-reliable, low-latency and massive data communications in which recent medical trend will be taken to the next higher level and significantly provide doctors deliver remote health care medical fraternity.

In contrast, which technology of 2018 did you find futile/ non-relevant for the present and why?

Technology changes all the time. Just because it wasn’t capable of carrying out certain tasks doesn’t mean that the same will hold true in the future. Due to the rapid pace of technological advancement we should understand the need and choose the right technology.

How active are you as a CIO/IT head on social media platforms? Do you find them a good platform to share knowledge or has it become too monotonous?

  • It essential to be active in social media I personally prefer yammer for an organization and LinkedIn as it add more value to my professional need. However wide range of platform are available for different mindset
  • Definitely Social media platforms is a part of technology transformation which make professional peoples to make a community and discuss on various technology updates with knowledge sharing. However, Social media is now becoming one of the largest means of communication and is gaining popularity rapidly. Social media enables you to share ideas, content, information at a much faster speed and it’s not a monotonous

What is your 2019 resolution? (if at all you are a ‘Resolution-making’ person) What goals do you have for your organization?

  • Centralize Patient Database make available between the public and private centers to improve the quality of patient care across Qatar, Digital transformation makes it compressive healthcare system which carters to the patient needs and to empower the staff to make a decision on the real time basic.
  • PACS to strengthen further to enhance to share the DICOM quality images to all mobile device without compromise on image quality.
  • To leverage laboratory data to make available for scientific and research purpose
  • Qatar is the first available 5G network in the world, to leverage 5G benefit in healthcare IT by telehealth and remote home monitoring systems.
  • Enterprises HRMS in coordinate with headquarters to help leadership to have a better dashboard visibility on resources management and strategies.