Focus Softnet launched its artificial intelligence platform called AIFA, Artificially Intelligent Futuristic Applications, on the sidelines of Gitex 2019. AIFA is an advanced, automated platform meant to enhance business, increase productivity, and
Nozomi Networks is participating at Gitex for the second year. As IT and operational networks converge with each other, the attack surface for cyber threats is also expanding. Nozomi Networks is arming
The worlds’ most global and disruptive technology events, Gitex Technology Week and Gitex Future Stars, will bring together world-class industry innovators, government leaders, technology creators and forward thinkers beginning tomorrow, 6th October,
Bee’ah, the Middle East’s supplier in sustainable quality of life, will be highlighting its technological innovations for smart, sustainable cities at Gitex Technology Week. Bee’ah will elaborate on technologies related to smart
Evoteq, the region’s technology management partner, will showcase its innovations at Gitex Technology Week. Evoteq’s solutions are aligned with the UAE’s position as one of the digital economies and smart cities. This