The White House Invites Fortinet CEO to Participate in Cybersecurity Summit

Ken Xie Provides Industry Insight and Commentary on Public-Private Collaboration

Ken Xie, founder, chairman and CEO, participated in the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection, held at Stanford University on February 13, 2015. This important event brought together leaders from across the US who have a stake in this issue to collaborate and explore partnerships that will help develop the best ways to bolster our cybersecurity. Xie participated in the event, providing insights in discussions focused on public-private collaboration on cybersecurity.

“Improving collaboration between the public and private sector when it comes to cybersecurity is critical to tackling the growing threats businesses, governments and consumers are battling both today and in the future,” said Xie. “Bringing these discussions to Silicon Valley, where leaders from both the government and the technology industry can discuss current issues, share insights into the threat landscape and help to determine new ways to protect against cyber crime, is an admirable first step in helping to mitigate increasing risks. As a leader in cybersecurity, Fortinet is dedicated to continuously protecting customers against advanced threats. We are very pleased to be taking part with the government in further protecting our country’s critical infrastructure.”

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