TRA’s Free Online Training for UAE Job Seekers

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has launched a new online facility providing access to job seekers in the UAE to get free training on various skills set via the Authority’s mGov Centre of Digital Innovation (CoDI). TRA is inviting job seekers to register through mGov’s website to access the training sessions.

TRA said the new initiative aims to help prospective employees to increase their chances of getting hired in a suitable job, as they get an array of training programmes, including information and orientation on possible employers they may want to apply to in the UAE. Participants will also receive an accredited certification from mGov CoDI.

H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, Director-General at TRA, said: “This new initiative aims to facilitate and enhance the qualifications of UAE Nationals and support the initiatives of the government’s Emiratization across industries, and enable them to acquire scientific and practical skills and become competitive in their chosen field. The job portal is also in line with mGov’s mission to hasten the ‘smart transformation’ process in accordance with the UAE’s e-government plans at the federal level.”

“The mGov training programme is administered in partnership with Tanmia or the National Human Resource Development and Employment Authority and the Fahr or the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources to meet the demands of the HR market and provide Emiratis with the right proficiency and expertise compatible with current market requirements,” said Majed Al Mazloum, UAE TRA Center of Digital Innovation (CoDI) Program Director.

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