With its recent partnerships with Thoughtonomy and Jedox, Metabyte is bringing in heterogeneous capabilities in business intelligence and automation to the region. Salil Dighe, CEO at Metabyte Technologies talks to EC MEA their strategies in working in sync with the customer mindset and bringing in some new technology concoctions for the region´s digital appetite.
Emerging Technologies
The first quarter didn’t seem to go too well for Meta Byte however the company picked up in the second quarter and the third quarter looks extremely promising for Megabyte. Salil Dighe, CEO and Founder of Meta Byte seems optimistic about the future of Meta Byte. Talking about the emerging technologies and the adoption in the region he said, “It’s not about adoption or customers looking at newer technologies, it’s about how you translate their requirement into an innovative portfolio of solutions, this is what we believe in strongly. We are more of a listener and do consultation with the customers to understand their mindset, we work in sync with what they want and then ensure a roadmap in terms of their objectives and what they want and how we enable them to achieve that in the form of the latest technology perspective.” Meta Byte’s forte has been automation and being in the industry for many years. Salil emphasizes that Meta Byte understands the pain points of customers and dynamics of the eco-system. Salil says that Meta Byte is more like a consultant than a reseller or system integrator. Talking about the region’s technological appetite he said, “Things haven’t really changed that much. When the cloud was introduced back in the days, I was very skeptical about its penetration in the region. Cloud as I would say is something still in the air. It’s more like a private cloud than a public cloud”. He feels skeptical about the studies conducted related to IoT and what are its function and what will IoT do for what? “IoT not necessarily means smart, it just means the level on convenience it may provide to the end user. I don’t feel IoT will make a major difference, it is too early to say,” he adds.
Zooming into Automation
For Meta Byte automation means the process automation. “How to make organizations efficient by implementing technologies which can help them achieve their objective in a much faster way, much more intelligent decisions could be taken to execute those areas you are working on and how you can generate more context around the decision making process. We are also the members for vortex process automation and we recently launched Virtual Worker which isn’t a replacement of humans but ensuring a repetitive job can be taken over by robotics, because those jobs are causing backlogs and how one can invest on employees already doing their job and ensuring they are doing better things in their careers.” said Salil. The concept of BI also comes into place when talking about process automation, Salil stresses the focus on planning; financial planning, strategy initiative planning, execution of ideas in real-time, this also plays a vital role in the automation process of companies. Robotic Process Automation is gaining momentum in the region and Salil feels the region is ready but adoption rate matters. “You need to look into the process part of it to identify process wise where your company isn’t efficient and there you apply RPA. I don’t see RPA as a replacement to human beings, that intelligence cannot be ignored. The region is in the right time for this, it is an opportunity for customers to take advantage of the virtual work and for us to create an economy around the virtual work. It’s all about striking a balance.” said Salil.
Bridging Gaps
“We’ve been very careful in how we go out to the market. We are targeting the governments, central governments and the enterprises. Once they understand the kind of value proposition we bring to the table, it will be difficult for the rest of the people to adopt. We want to focus on Dubai, however we have international customers in UK, USA, Spain, Brazil etc. However, we are still on the first layer of intelligence building and planning. We are trying to translate our ideas in the minds of people. There are lot of things at the back end that we are working on for the coming years. We are hopeful to see our work translating into new initiatives with tomorrow being a reality,” concluded Salil Dighe as he expressed his views on the current scenario of automation and the trends of the region.