Today: Mar 14, 2025

Why WiFi is an essential strategy to future proof business

Consumer behaviour, technology and the relationship between brands and customers are constantly changing. The speed of these changes has made it essential for businesses to invest in making their operations and marketing strategy as future proof as possible. Businesses that do will be able to react dynamically and easily to any market changes without impacting on revenue. WiFi can increase the future proofing potential of any business; giving companies scalability, actionable customer insight and technological capability.

WiFi marketing connects businesses with real people

People-based marketing is an approach where the customer is seen as a collective whole, rather than a group of marketing data points, often communicated with in a silo. Consumers are driving a change to people-based marketing, with businesses now expected to provide a consistent customer journey. WiFi makes this much easier. From an initial email capture at log-in, businesses from restaurants to hotels can collect valuable and real-time customer data at every customer touchpoint. Businesses can then use this to create a valuable experience for every customer, making people the centre of every strategy.

Key takeaway: Using WiFi to understand the customer holistically will increase customer engagement and loyalty; essential for business longevity.

Use WiFi technology to scale your business systems accurately

In order to future proof well, businesses need to be able to respond efficiently to any changes in quickly and with fluidity. Put simply, they need to be scalable. Great WiFi with scalable bandwidth helps to give businesses the flexibility required to react to changing demand for business in the future. For example using cloud technology to manage a flexible and remote workforce, or combining WiFi with other technology such as mobile to meet customer requirements. This ability to react quickly will ensure your business can respond well to future market changes, while retaining market share.

Key takeaway: Businesses need to invest in quality WiFi infrastructure and bandwidth to ensure they can react efficiently to changing demand.

WiFi will quickly and easily build a primed email list

Email is personal, cost-effective and offers customers essential value, so it’s important that it’s included in every business strategy. WiFi builds a database of customer email addresses quickly and easily from information captured at log-in. This quickly builds an email list of customers already primed to that specific business, giving them a headstart in connecting customers with the brand. Importantly, and unlike social media followers and likes; building an email list give the business data control Owning and managing customer data at a central business level, rather than relying on third-party apps is an important way to build lasting success into any business strategy.

Key takeaway: Use WiFi technology to build a strong, opted-in customer email list. Segment this for future marketing campaigns to increase sales and customer engagement.

Invest in increased WiFi capability for real future proofing power

The much-hyped future WiFi technology of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 offer huge future proofing potential for businesses. Increasing network speeds will obviously improve the capacity for wireless networks to handle increasing data volumes demanded by consumers. But, future WiFi technology will also give businesses the tools to use new applications and offer different services to customers, including virtual reality and augmented reality. For a business, having the capability and capacity to offer these services to customers will add real power to its longevity; genuinely keeping it current and relevant.

Key takeaway: Consider future technology when investing in your business WiFi. Having the power to meet future capacity requirements will ensure lasting business relevance.

Combine social media and WiFi for lasting business success

For businesses wanting to guarantee future reach and market share, they should use WiFi in combination with social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Social media is already a vital strategy for businesses to create engagement, but using social media accounts to access business WiFi will provide an extra data rich layer on customer behaviour. This insight will then inform marketing strategies for the future, using data on past behaviour to powerfully inform future direction and business strategy.

Key strategy: Take social media engagement to the next level by combining with WiFi technology to strengthen customer loyalty and interaction.

Wrap up

Every business needs to develop future proof marketing strategies and business operations that can respond quickly to changing markets. WiFi enables businesses to generate essential customer insight to implement a lasting, people-based approach, as well as being able to keep up to date technologically. For any business wishing to stay relevant into the future, Wifi is not something that can be ignored.

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