In Touch with the Disruptions

Aladdin Saqer – Head of Information Technology, McDonald’s Qatar
Aladdin Saqer – Head of Information Technology, McDonald’s Qatar

Tell us about the year 2018.  What changes/evolution did it bring to your thinking or mindset as a CIO/IT head?

A decade ago, the typical CIO was concerned mostly with IT infrastructure. Today’s CIO faces a bevy of additional challenges, namely user desires for mobility and the cloud. There’s an upside, though: Helping users get what they need makes CIOs more visible to the rest of the business.

Were you able to stick to your New Year resolutions?

My Resolution is to set the direction within the company for adoption of more efficient use of technology within the business. Also to deliver strategic insights to improve business results and customer experience In restaurant technology like Self-kiosk, Card Payment, Digital Signage, Free Customer WIFI & table service.

Which technology of 2018 attracted you the most? Have you planned to implement the same in your organization?

Technology is changing the way we work at office and lead our lives at home. In the past one decade, the rate of this change has skyrocketed, and you need to fasten up the pace to make intelligent decisions. With the advancements in the fields like AI, IoT, immersive experiences, etc., you need to be in close touch with these disruptions that have high potential.  In Our Organization, I am planning to move from On-Premise to Cloud Solutions on large-scale.

In contrast, which technology of 2018 did you find futile/ non-relevant for the present and why?

In fact, any technology that does not simplify and facilitate the Human need in daily life is futile.

How active are you as CIO/IT head on social media platforms? Do you find them a good platform to share knowledge or has it become too monotonous?

I am active on social media to get the updates and latest news. Social media it is a great platform for sharing the expertise, achievements, announcement and engages with different cultures. We should are vigilant of the threats, social media is a beneficial platform in the current era.

What is your 2019 resolution? (if at all you are a ‘Resolution-making’ person) What goals do you have for your organization?

My 2019 resolutions are for using latest technologies and Restaurant technology. My goal is to create efficiencies, Develop IT Team and to eliminate human errors. I am also working to provide a great experience in Technology to our Customers.