Today: Feb 18, 2025

Infor Intelligent Government to Benefit Public Sector Organizations

Solution Provides Improved Permitting, Compliance and Citizen Engagement for Government and Utilities

Infor released Infor Intelligent Government, a next generation Smart Cities solution that brings together capabilities from Infor applications for licensing, permitting, compliance and billing with IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations software. The software, embedded with collaboration, analytics and mobile technologies – all available in the cloud, is designed to transform permitting processes and generate new revenue streams by improving billing, reducing fraud and simplifying the citizen engagement process.

Infor Intelligent Government helps municipalities, utilities, transit districts, port authorities, federal agencies, and other public sector organizations aggregate large amounts of Big Data then apply insights to facilitate more intelligent decision-making. It provides decision-makers new visibility into department-level activities and projects and helps improve collaboration among public sector agencies. The solution also enables more efficient management of utility billing and permitting and provides data analysis for large project and development planning.

“The need to deliver better services to citizens, work more efficiently and save taxpayer dollars has never been more critical for the public sector,” said Doug Cox, vice president, IBM Smarter Cities and Industry Solutions. “Working together, Infor and IBM are helping these organizations address some of their most pressing needs by harnessing Big Data in new ways and delivering insight through analytics.”

Infor Intelligent Government is built on top of the IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations software to deliver an aggregate view across departments and agencies, helping to visually map functions across city systems and provide decision makers with real-time situational awareness. By using IBM’s Smarter Cities technology, decision makers can more easily access information, share it among different agencies and provide real-time alerts and department-specific processes securely to the right employees and the right citizens.

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