IT-Security is a matter for specialists – but the Board is liable!

RadarServices introduces the RADAR RISK COCKPIT, the worldwide first IT security dashboard

The complexity of attacks on the IT of companies is growing rapidly. In case of a severe incident, executives are personally liable in many jurisdictions worldwide, whether they understand the technical background or not. Radar Services has introduced RADAR RISK COCKPIT, a live overview on IT security particularly designed for the top management.

The RADAR RISK COCKPIT provides the essentials obtained from regular or real time IT security monitoring: security issues recognized and classified by RadarServices, urgency, internal employees responsible for remediation and the current status of the remediation process. A push message on the mobile phone is possible if desired.

The business process risk view presents the threats of the IT security issues to the business processes. The presentation of IT risks and their influences on IT services and business processes in turn, demonstrates clearly and understandably the effects and the overall context at the push of a button.

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