9 years ago

WebNMS will be exhibiting at the IoTX 2016, Prabhu Ramachandran, Director, WebNMS will be one of the panelists at the IoTX conference on day – 2 and will also be making a presentation on IoT Platform at the show.

WebNMS IoT Platfrom is built on three salient capabilities: Energy management, Remote site management and Mobile asset tracking. The platform is highly compatible with multiple devices and protocols and can be tailor made to suit unique business requirements. The platform aims at enhancing end-to-end business operations by improving efficiency, reducing downtime, upgrading security and scaling up overall health of businesses.

Prabhu Ramachandran, Director, WebNMS said, “Middle East is vigorously looking to adopt technologies that add value to its business operations, lifestyle and economy at large; this has led businesses, cities and the governments to recognize and embrace IoT technology into their system”.

Apart from the customizable platform, WebNMS has a wide portfolio of off the shelf real – time applications like ATM Site Manager, Cell Tower Manager, Road Infrastructure Manager, Solar and Wind Mill Manager, Building Infrastructure Manager, Power Grid and Diesel Generator Monitoring Solution, Data Center Infrastructure Manager and Smart Lighting Solution.

At IoTX 2016, WebNMS will showcase its latest, upgraded IoT Platform and highlight its best in class point solutions along with the region wise hardware and implementation partners, Option Wireless (Belgium), Imtac (Oman) and Elitser Technologies (UAE).